Friday, July 29, 2011

I decided I needed to get out of the house earlier this week.  Just too much of these four walls and not enough outside/play time.  I was craving the ocean, but no money to do something like that, so we went to the Aquarium instead;)
These are beautiful creatures.  I have had the (unitended) "pleasure" of experiencing these in real life...not something I would ever want to repeat. 
These are Japanese Nettles....all I can say is "ouch"!!  But they are very mesmerizing;)

I spent some time just sitting by the glass at the shark tank.  Maybe meditating a bit.  Peaceful really.

After the aquarium we went over to the botanical gardens.  The hubby had some play time....
They have a whole playland built to this scale.  It's very cool;)
He is a character;)  I am glad he still plays;)

We didn't take my son with us....we needed "date" time;)  I was thinking about hitting the zoo next week.  They have a special deal on Wednesdays where they are open until 8pm and it is only $5 per person after 4:30.  I like cheap dates;)

On quilty topics....I didn't create those last few quilts from my own patterns.  I will scan the pattern covers soon if anyone was interested in finding them.  I want to make sure I give credit where credit is due.  I know most of what I come up with is my own stuff, but not recently;)

As for my son....he is sooooo bored right now.  It's hard for us to find him stuff to do that interests him when we are short on money.  A road trip would be great...but both the cars need some TLC before we do that.  He needs a social life, but I am having trouble finding a circle of people that aren't grown ups that I would want him to spend time with.  We are trying to redirect him from the activities he used to engage in. 

As for my daughter and grandson.....he turned 1 year old this past week!!  How cool is that?;)  She says he is walking now.  I told her to wait until he figures out how to run;)  She went back to work, and though it is taking some adjustment at home, she is much less stressed now that they have two incomes.  I am happy for her.

I have something cooking up right now that is going to get us to Oregon in the relatively near future.  I know this place is great, but the green would be so welcome;)  I just feel so dehydrated here all the time.  Never managed to get acclimated.  Keep your fingers crossed for us;)

Anyway, I need to get back to sewing before the day starts.  Hope everyone is doing well;)

Happy Quilting!!


Liriopia said...

Love the pictures and the botanical gardens look like so much fun. Did hubby find Bugs Bunny in that carrot? Think you could interest your son in some fabric therapy?


Lynette said...

Looks like a really fun botanical garden. :)

Katie said...

The botanical garden looks like fun - like they realized parents drag their kids to these places and there's never anything fun for them...problem solved, even if you are a big kid!

Could your son get a job? Maybe work just a few hours a week somewhere like Wal-Mart and it would give him a place to go and he'd probably make some friends AND end up with some cash of his own in the process!

Good luck with the plans for Oregon. I hope they work out well for you. Will that put you closer to your grandson? I can't believe it's been a year!

Beth said...

Looks like you had a great date. The aquarium and the botanic gardens.
I hope your plan to get to Oregon soon works out for you. It is really beautiful there.
I can't believe that your grandson is one!! Happy Birthday.
Sorry your son is bored. I remember dreading summer when DD was younger. It is so hard to find things that teens are willing to do that are no cost or low cost.

Happy stitching

a good yarn said...

I've lived all my life through hot summers and have never acclimatised. You should hear me moan! Good to get out and clear the cobwebs. Gosh, Grandbaby is a year old! Where did the time go? You must be keen to see him again. Ann :-)

Marsha B said...

We've been to the aquarium a couple of times but never to the botanical gardens. I'm gonna have to get hubby to go sometime, it looks great! Time goes so fast, I can hardly believe your grandson is one already! Hope your plans to move to Oregon work out well and quickly for you, too. Yep, keeping your son occupied and out of mischief is really important here. There's a lot of not so good things he could find to do out there. Have fun sewing.