Monday, July 25, 2011

I spent the weekend with my head buried in the sewing machine again.....

The photos are a little washed out (still can't find the real camera), but you get the idea;)
I should have taken some pictures before I took it to the quilt shop to drop off.  It's a shop model for some fabric that just got in.  It was fun to work with;)

It finally started to rain here the last few days.  I love the thunderstorms this time of year.
This double rainbow was awesome!!!  I tried to get the whole thing, but it just wouldn't fit in the camera frame.  I even went puddle jumping while it was raining;)  Good stuff;)

I am going to relax tonight, catch up on some housework and get to quilting those three baby quilts I have going for class tomorrow.  I don't feel like I have gotten much accomplished, but then again that's just my own quilt supervisor saying I should do this 24 hours a day until it's done!!  Not;)

Oh....before I forget....I am having troubles leaving comments again on some blogs.......I have no idea how to fix it....

Katie:  So jealous of the roadtrip/fishing trip/ week in a cabin;)  As for the idea...never seen it.  The sewing machine.....take it to a shop and see what they say;)  Sentimental value is priceless.
Beth:  Love what you are working on;)  Those block of the month blocks are wonderful!

Well, I hope everyone is staying cool as they can and getting bunches of quilting stuff done too;)
Happy Quilting!!


Katie said...

I love the quilt! Is this your own creation? It's a great way to use those big prints that I'm forever scratching my head over. What a beautiful rainbow!

Lynette said...

Very cute quilt!

Liriopia said...

Love the quilt! We get double rainbows here once in a while. Puddle-jumping? I thought I was the only one still doing that, LOL!


Cynthia said...

So jealous of your motivation! Good for you for just getting stuff done! I love the poppy fabric-what a cute quilt!

Sandy said...

What a pretty quilt. You have been busy, so don't listen to that silly quilt supervisor. Love the double rainbow.


Beth said...

Looks like great fabric and your design really shows it off. Great job.
Love the double rainbow.

a good yarn said...

The smell after a good dose of rain is special. Rainbows are good luck aren't they? Fabulous quilt. Ann :-)