Saturday, May 26, 2012

Working on the oldest UFO I have;)

 I put the tie dye quilt blocks aside the other day...just wasn't happening the way I felt like dealing with.  I decided to pull out my totes of fabric and UFO's to see what I had forgotten about.  After doing some rummaging, I pulled out this ...

(I got tired of fussing with blogger about putting the pictures in right...hope this doesn't bother anybody too much.)

I started this little quilt about 11 years ago or so.  I think I was playing with that triangle paper that was popular back then.  The hearts are papaer pieced also.  Not that I was overly impressed with this UFO, just more that it is such a small project that I could done in a hurry to give myself a sense of accomplishment with.

I rooted through my stash to find this binding.  It has the basic colorway of the flying geese and hearts enough to work.  I haven't been buying any new fabric lately.  I realized when I had to pack it all up for this move up here that I really had plenty.  I can't remember who said it, but I had to remind myself that at one point I was impressed and enthusiastic enough about all this fabric to buy it in the first place.  I also put to use the "shopping your stash" stradegy.  And the stuff that I really knew I wouldn't use, I donated to the local guilds for charity quilts.

I have to admit that I almost fell out of love with quilting recently.  I just felt like "been there, done that".  Actually, I felt that way about alot of things for some reason lately.  Don't know if it was depression, mid-life crisis, or just too much going on with work and family and getting resettled.  The boy went off to job corps and I realized all of the sudden just how much I had NOT been doing.  And then the universe gives you gliimpses of what life would be like without your creativity being used, a life of having given up hope.  (Gosh, I sound all suicidal and such...not in the least bit...just recentering.)  I came across some people that had given up a life of creating and they were really unhappy with it.  But they couldn't jump the hurdle to get back on track.  And this had been going on for practically decades.  There was a point where I coulnd't understand how someone could give up doing something that had once made them so happy.  Or at least provided an outlet for creation in such a grindish sort of society. 

Anyway, I think I am coming out of my rut.  One step (or stitch) at a time.  Wish me luck;)

Happy Quilting!!


Liriopia said...

Actually, I really like that quilt and I think the binding is perfect. Glad to see you are jumping back in. I know where you are as I am still struggling a bit myself.


---"Love" said...

I think we all go through those "don't want to do it" times; I've been in one for a while myself. But that pretty and bright quilt is so cheerful, I'm sure finishing it will lift your spirits and get you back on track! Have a Happy Memorial Day Week-end! ---"Love"

canuckquilter said...

I like those bright geese:) It's fun that after all this time you found approprioate binding in your stash, too. I'm glad you're back to quilting. Just remember that there is no right amouint of it. I have periods of productivity, and periods of not really feeling the itch to sew. I do know that feeling like "I have to" or "should" takes all the fun out of it so I'm learning to just quilt when I want and get on with other things I enjoy when quilting doesn't call. Good luck reharnessing your creativity, be it quilting or photography, or gardening, or...

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I have often felt like that and it wasn't depression, just being tired w all that needed to be done, no time for the 'fun' of quilting. it passes, it's life. BTW my oldest UFO is almost 30yrs old... I don't know when or if I will ever get to it!

Beth said...

I love those happy geese on your quilt. I hope you find your way all the way back to your creative activities. You have been through so many changes recently, you probably just need a bit of time to settle down and settle in.