Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Well, the youngest of my offspring has flown the coop as of this morning.  Boarded the bus for Portland with a final destination of Job Corps in Astoria.  He will be gone for at least 8 weeks before he gets a weekend furlough pass to come home for a visit.  He will be in school there for up to two years.

I am very happy for him.  He has come a long way in the past year here with us.  Hopefully some of what we tried to teach him will stick.  He's got a bright future ahead of himself.

I held back the tears until after I dropped him off.  He was stoic as he got on the bus, trying to be a man in front of everyone.  I understand.  I still gave him a great big hug;)

The house is quiet already.  I loved having him around even if there were times I wanted to boot him in the butt;)  But I guess that's how raising children goes.   I knew that my job was to do what I could to prep him for going out on his own one day.  I have to stick to what I preach and let him go off and spread his wings when he felt he was ready.  And it's okay to cry a bit...but they are happy-for-him tears;)

Happy Everything!!


---"Love" said...

Oh yes, how well I remember those feelings when we left my first son at his college dorm the first time; he wouldn't even let me go up to his room --- only his dad! But he survived, and so did I! I'm betting both of you will too. He's a good looking kid with a great smile; he will make his mark in life just fine! Try not to worry too much! You've done your best by him! ---"Love"

Liriopia said...

My Mom used to tell me "Children are not yours, they are only lent to you." Letting them go is what you are supposed to do. You are a good mom.


Ruth said...

Liri is exactly right. It is hard not to worry, but doesn't do any good anyway. He will learn a lot in his new venture and will make his own way. Sometimes, it is hard to watch and sometimes they make us very proud! Hopefully, more of the latter.

Marsha B said...

A parents job is two fold, one to give them roots, the other wings. Yes it is hard but you will be so proud as he grows from a boy into a man, at his own pace, and learning from his own mistakes. You did good!

Katie said...

Hmmm...after everything that's been said before me, I don't know that I can touch that! But I wish him the best and I'd be willing to bet that after the first few days, those 8 weeks will go fast and he'll be home for a visit before you know it. In the meantime...quilt! (Best therapy ever, right?)

Beth said...

It is so hard to let them go. I wish him the very best and much success and happiness.
For you hugs and hopes that the next 8 weeks pass quickly.