Sunday, February 5, 2012

Got a project done!!!

I was sitting at breakfast with this window begging for something to be done with it....

Dug in my stash using this...
(it looks way cooler in antique fixture that came with the apartment)

and this...
(populart during the Victorian era, and very picky about its environment)

and these...
(my beach that spent 3 years in a box...shame, shame)

After careful consideration (working out my $$ for new stuff)  I decided to use this...

I thought that "star" shape would go with the starfish and the pointy frons on the fern, with a femine, romantic bend to go with the light fixture.  I measured and didn't have enough to just fold over the top to make the casing for the rod, so I used a tone on tone muslin...

And, ta da!!!....

I like them;)  And here they are open...

Much better than in the beginning;)  And if we move again I can still use the fabric in a quilt;)

I have some other projects on the list.  Hopefully I will get them done sooner than later.  Right now I am feeling a nap, so Happy Quilting to All;)


---"Love" said...

Very nice, and cheery too! Looks like a pleasant place to sew. Wish we had a better look again at that quilt on the wall too! ---"Love"

Ruth said...

Lovely curtain! Doesn't it make you feel good when you make something useful out of what you have on hand?

Beth said...

That fabric makes very pretty curtains. And they look so nice with the fixture and the fern.
Happy stitching.

a good yarn said...

That looks much better. Such a pretty fabric. Your fern is in great shape. I'd like to be able to grow such healthy indoor plants. ann :-)

Katie said...

They look great! Good for you being so resourceful, but I do hope you don't have to move again, even if it would mean a chance to repurpose the pretty fabric.

Liriopia said...

The perfect choice! Makes the window area look really inviting!
