Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2, Project 1

Good morning;)  It is chilly here!!  Checked the weather....13*F!!  And that's in the sun!!  Hopefully I will be able to get out and get some of the yummy sunshine later today.  I went out for my walk last night a bit closer to sun down than I had planned.  I got half way through my route when the sun dipped behind the horizon....should have taken my scarf for my face!!  It was ouchy cold!!

So, the picture project for the year (one picture everyday for the entire year), photo #1....
Jan 1, 2011, "9*F"
The park usually has a few people out walking their dogs or sitting on the bench, etc.  It was empty and cold.

I did start a new project yesterday.  The original pattern for it comes from the Oct 2010 issue of APQ...
I liked the overall idea of it, but wasn't too fond of the color and fabric choices in it, so....

I used this fabric as my color palette inspiration.  I'm probably not going to actually use it in the quilt...just pulled the color combinations from it.  It also goes with the other decor I have already in the kitchen, and with my Fiesta Ware. This is what I came up with so far....

The original doesn't have a grounding point for the flower vase.  I tried that look, but felt that it was just floating there on the background.  So now the flower vase is actually sitting on a table (the orange fabric).  I had to audition a bunch of fabrics for the flowers.  That striped flower is probably going to be replaced by something else.  It goes color wise, but not with the whole tone on tone idea with the rest of the flowers.

And for the border....

...I'm going to go with the Day of the Dead fabric.  The butterfly fabric doesn't frame it well it makes the whole thing float again.  I kind of like the whole "regeneration of life" thing it brings to the project.  From the "death" of winter to the "rebirth" in spring.  Call me crazy;)  I think it's cool;)

I planning on having this one done and up on my kitchen wall where the Halloween Cat quilt was by the end of the week.  I don't know if this qualifies as going in a different direction from my recent quilt design trends or not.  It is smaller.  It is a little more free form.  And it's not just squares.  We'll see what happens over the next several months. 

That's it for now.   I need to get in there and start working on it before I tackle any housework. 

Happy Quilting!!


Sandy said...

That looks like a great project to start the year. I like your picture, too. You could show us versions of the same picture throughout the seasons.

I wish I had some new projects to start. I think I will try to work on some unfinished business first.


Marsha B said...

I like your design with the orange to anchor the vase. Love the colors you are using, too. It is cold for here. Having lived in northern Illinois for so many years, this is nothing, but for here it is cold! I don't like cold. Just for fun I looked up the record low temp for Albuquerque, it was -17 so we are nowhere near that, but still, I prefer warmer! Have fun working on the little quilt, can't wait to see the final project.

Katie said...

I, too, like the orange anchor fabric, but that border...hmmm...I think I'm going to have to see the finished product before I make any final judgements. As an alternative, you could do a skinny, dark border (maybe a rich brown to mimic a window frame?) and then use the butterflies. That would help with the grounding, but it's your quilt and I do like the skulls, just maybe not for a kitchen!

---"Love" said...

I like the table idea too. I think the striped fabric fits fine; have you considered maybe moving it up to the center flower? Love all the colors, but at my age, the skulls are a harsh reminder of what's ahead for me! *giggle* I too would go for a narrow dark border and the butterflies for spring. But it's yours, and will be lovely, either way. ---"Love"

canuckquilter said...

You're getting a good start on the year. Nice work selecting fabrics for your little quilt - inspired by someone else's but now totally yours! Love your photograph. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of them. Will you be posting each day's photo?

---"Love" said...

Brrrrrrrr----I forgot to say that when I saw that picture and read 9 degrees! Hope that's not heading this way! I look forward to your daily pictures; what a neat idea. ---"Love"

Liriopia said...

Oh, I like it and I love your color choices! Can I have your scraps? LOL!


Beth said...

Great project and I like how you changed it to make it your own.
Great colors. I agree with Love, I think the stripe could work in a different position. I know you willplay with it and work it out.