Friday, February 17, 2012

Urban Garden Developments and our trip to the beach

Good morning;)  I put together a list of to-do's this morning to see if I would get any more accomplished by having a goal list for the day.  I think it's working.

On the list..."plant something" (besides my rear in front of the computer).  This is what came of it....

I figured this would be a good experiment on gree-housing.  (p.s....I bought the primrose so I could have some instant color in my garden until it started producing its own colors.)

Thumbtacks, plastic wrap, and a mix of kitchen herb seeds.  I found the wooden "frame" next to the dumpster somewhere. 

I was going to add more pictures, but for some reason blogger only wants to put them in sideways.  Oh well.  Anyway, I'm hoping it will work well enough for now.  I have plans to build a bigger, better greenhouse contraption in the next few days.  I'll post more when I get it done.

On the job front,  I did manage to land myself a job this week.  It will only be part time to start, but I am okay with that.  In the long run, the experience I get from this job will be able to translate possibly into a position with the school district.  Wish me luck;)

We did take a little road trip to the beach yesterday.  Headed out to Lincoln of the few places with a sandy beach you can get to along this rocky coastline.  Check out this page for information on the city and some of the cool events they have.

It was a bit of a cold, cloudy, foggy day at the beach, but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless;)

My son managed to get barefoot before I did;)  Aeon was discovering that the water wasn't what she was used to, one mouthful at a time;)

The tide pools were alive and happening;)  Life is so awesome!  We even came across some baby rock weren't good enough to keep...but they were cool;)  Reminded me to keep my eyes open when out exploring;)

No quilt work done.  No work on the steam punk clothing.  But lots of things happening anyway that are making life cool;)

Happy Everything!!


Lynette said...

fun post. I hate it when Blogger flips the pics like that. Wish there was a way to fix that in our composing. If you ever have a pic you just *have* to get up correctly, open that file in Paint, save it as a .png, and then load that one into Blogger. Works every time for me.

---"Love" said...

Good luck with the green house, but even more with the job possibilities! Nice shore pics! ---"Love"

Marsha B said...

Sounds like you are having a good time and settling in. That's great you have found a job and that it might lead to something more permanent. Your beach visit looks like fun, we always go to the Mo's in Lincoln City when we visit kids and grandkids up there. The little ones like playing on the beach by the restaurant. Glad to hear things are going well!

Katie said...

A beach warm enough to go barefoot in February? Definitely not the case here! Beautiful photos of the beach and a great idea for a "greenhouse". Congrats (again) on the job - let us know how you like it once you've settled in a bit.

Beth said...

Love the pics, especially the beach and tidal pool.
Congrats on landing a job. I hope it works out well for you

Ruth said...

That is wonderful news about the job! Hopefully it will work into full time. At least you got your foot in the door!

Liriopia said...

Just managed to get this post open. Great greenhouse idea. Love the picture of the anemones. Good luck with the job. Just being there and able to do the job is enough to get you hired!


a good yarn said...

Good luck with the greenhouse. It will be fun to have things growing. It's all we can do here not to be washed away by all the rain. Congratulations on your job - let's hope it leads to something more permanent. Fab sea creature - nature puts some anazing colour combos together. ann :-)