Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello;)  I really need to get back in the swing of blogging.  I have been busy looking for work...most places on a hiring freeze right now.  The hubby managed to land a position with a local walmart store.  The transfer process was a hair pulling event...almost more paperwork than a government job!!  He took a substantial paycut, but at least he is working.  It will cover the bills.

I am still glad we made the move.  No doubt about that at all.  It has been raining here since this past Monday.  Snow on Tuesday.  Constant precipitation since.  I think we had a couple of hours today when we could see patches of blue sky, but that's it so far;)  I love it.  I think I am going to have to make some coasters though....the condensation here is through the roof.

I haven't had much time to go exploring yet.  We are about 25 miles from Silver Falls State Park, 60 miles from the beach, 50 miles from Portland, and 220 miles south of Seattle....oh the  things we can do;)

I am still working on putting my sewing space together.  A couple of the shelves that I used got demolished in the move.  Seems the load shifted.  But that's all we lost.  Besided the two fish.

Oscar is making himself at home as only a cat will;)  He got a bit stressed spending a week in a car with no driver, cars passing by, and no place to run around.  I think he is happy again;)

Anyway, I need to get the hubby up and ready for work.  Take care all and Happy Quilting!!


---"Love" said...

Good to hear from you! I've wondered if you were in all the snow that was reported near Seattle; hopefully you missed most of it! (You'd probably like it though, wouldn't you? *grin*) Weatherman just now said west Texas will have blinding DUST storms tomorrow, with drenching rains to follow the next couple of days---drought breakers maybe! That would be great!
Hope you get your sewing space set up soon and get busy quilting again! Glad hubby found a job! Have fun up there! ---"Love"

canuckquilter said...

Glad to hear you're starting to settle in and are pleased with your move. I'm sure you'll be getting back to the sewing machine soon!

Katie said...

I'm so glad to hear you're settling in properly. Yay for the hubby having a job and for you it will come. It's wonderful that you're happy and I look forward to seeing your creativeness again when your sewing space allows it.

Lynette said...

Good luck finding a job for you. I just love your upbeat attitude. :) We're facing a move in 5 months (Air Force change of station)- I sure hope we have as much luck as you with such limited damages! My girlfriend had a TON of damage and loss last summer. :/

Marsha B said...

It is great that you are settling in, even with lots of rain and snow! I'd love to see some of that here, we have wind! ! ! Fire season will be starting early again this year. It is wonderful your DH found a job quickly. Hope your job hunt goes well, too. Until then I hope you get some sewing time to relax and have some fun.

Beth said...

Sounds like you are settling in. Glad the hubby found a job. You will too. Hope you can get a sewing area all set up soon.

Liriopia said...

Best of luck in your new digs! So glad everything is beginning to work out. Sorry I couldn't comment earlier, seems there is a problem with Blogger that has to be worked out.
