I love it;) It is my rendition of the homes out here in the rural part of the countryside. The skies are bluer here than anywhere I have been in the states. The houses are very organic looking...not all the wood is straight, the rooms are added on as the family grows, and they don't paint the adobe. There is not always green here, but in the spring there is a purple flower that I love, represented here in the quilt. As a sign of hospitality, families often hang a ristara by the front door. Chilie season here is an event, with roasters at all the grocery stores and people lined up around the block to get their yearly stock of fresh roasted chilie;) The air takes a fiery, unique smell that can only be found here once a year. Good stuff;) I even embroidered in the wind we are famous for that occurs each spring;)
I sent a quilt top of mine to a blogger friend that did a huge favor for me as a thank you gift. She got in touch with me a couple of days ago asking if I would mind if she donated it to a charity auction. I said go for it. This is what she did with it quilting wise...
She does amazing work with her long arm quilting machine!! I am glad it is going to a worthy cause;) Stop by her blog spot to see some of the other fun, funky, and creative work she does;) I always look forward to seeing what she comes up with next;)
As for the boy....he is doing well. Went to the doctor last Friday and got to see what he did to his arm via an xray. It's a mess to say the least. He will be in an arm brace for the next few months, with the doctor demanding no use of it for the duration. If all goes well, he will mend and we won't have to do any more work on it. If it doesn't, we are looking at more surgery and bone work. Keep your fingers crossed. As for adjusting the homefront from being a couple to a family, I think things are going pretty smoothly so far. I got news from my mom that she needs to move in with us soon. She keeps falling and hurting herself. Nothing serious yet, but it's that time. We are looking at having her with us by the end of June this year. I am just glad that she has us to come to.
Anyway, I am going to go put my feet up, pour a glass of wine, and play some video games. The boys are out for the afternoon, so I had better take advantage of the "mom" time;)
Happy Quilting!!
Your little quilt is awesome! I love the little flowers and chilis. And now I want to visit during chili roasting season! The pink and green quilt turned out awesome. I'd forgotten about it, but the quilting made it even better than before and I loved it then! I'm glad your son is doing well, but now your mom will be moving in too? Lots of big changes for you, but it sounds like you've got an open mind, which will help the transition go more smoothly.
Love the little house, but I can't see the wind, LOL! The pink and green quilt is lovely. Happy to hear your son is healing well. He's young, that's to his advantage. Momma too? I think you are going to need a bigger house.
I love the purple flowers, the chiles hanging by the front door, and the wind. I love your newest quilt!. The pink and green quilt turned out very well, too.
You and your husband are good people. Your son and your mom are very lucky.
The pink and green quilt is so pretty, it will benefit someone very much. I love the house you did. It is perfect, wind blowing, chilie ristra and the little purple flowers. I love the smell of green chilies roasting in the fall, there is nothing like it. I'm glad to hear your son is healing and hope he does not need any further surgery. You will need lots more space when your Mom comes to stay with you. Your family is growing quite quickly!
Such a cute little quilt! I like how you captured the simple lines in the house and then added the chilies and the purple flowers.
Glad that your son is healing and I hope that he will not need any further surgery.
Are you still thinking about/planning to move? You did talk about that didn't you? Will you have room for your Mom to move in too? So many changes for you and the hubs.
Your little quilt is very representative of New Mexico! Indeed the sky is very blue there! The big quilt is beautiful! It should do very well at auction! Sounds like your house is going to get cozy close soon. ---"Love"
Very cool quilt! You did it in one night?? Amazing! I love all the little details too! Things like that make quilts so fun to look at! Good work!
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