Update since the last post.....
I now have custody of my son!!!! His father and I came to a mutual agreement, and after hammering out paperwork, we brought him home. It was one of the best 2300 mile round trip road-trips I have ever taken;)
You know....I always thought I could handle blood and owies.....but the wound on my son's arm is almost too much. I cried when I first saw it. Then almost threw up a couple of times. Finally got to where I could help take care of it last night. Thank goodness my hubby could handle it;) He's such a good man to have around;)
It will take some time to settle in. We are going to have to move into a bigger place soon, probably after we get settled and get his arm mostly working again. We also have to pay off the loan we had to take out to pull this off. Worth every penny;)
Oh....while we were up there playing the waiting game, the hubby got to meet his grandson for the first time.....
Love at first sight;)
I am going to go for now. I still have to get things back in order here. Hope you all have a great week and get some sewing done;)
Happy Quilting!!
Very, very happy for you. I can relate directly to the custody issue. So glad you can take care of your boy yourself, now. :D Hope his arm heals quickly and without complications!
What a wonderful post! I am so happy for you, your son and your husband. Take your time, as it will be a big adjustment for all of you.
I've said it before, but it is worth repeating. Your husband is a keeper!
So happy that your son is recovering and that you got to bring him home with you! Hopefully this will be the start of many good things for all of you.
I'm smiling so big right now for you and your son. I know what an incredibly big deal this is for you and I couldn't be happier for you. I had wondered where you'd disappeared to (you usually post more often) and was worried your son had taken a turn for the worse. I'm so glad that's not the case. Your hubby is too cute with his grandson. They both look all too excited to be hanging out with each other. Get back to quilting when you can, but settle in and let life settle down as needed. The fabric isn't going anywhere without you!
That is great news that your son is living with you now. Take your time, it will take some adjusting to being together and starting a new chapter in life together but it is really wonderful for all of you. Your hubby is so cute with his grandson!
My heart is light! So glad you have your son. There is still a lot of healing yet, both physical and emotional, but it will get easier with each passing day. Here's to you, your wonderful hubby and your son!
That's great news! I hope everything works out for the best, and that your son's arm heals quickly. Now to make up for lost time, have some fun with him everyday! ---"Love"
I am so, so happy for you! Take your time settling in. I'm sure there will be adjustments to be made, but somehow I think you'll feel that it's worth it. Be happy !
I gfot so excited for you that I could hardly type. Totally awesome that you were able to get to your son so much sooner than you thought would be possible. Even better that he is with you. I know he has healing to do and you all have adjusting to do, but wow! hoe worth it to have him with you.
The hubs looks so excited, what a great photo!
Hugs to you all.
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