I am checking in out of a search for some normality. Don't have any quilting things to share. My son was in a car accident early Friday morning. He will recover....broke his right arm in two places, which required surgery and a metal plate implant to put back together, and almost bit the end of his tongue off, stitches will keep him talking. He was released that night, and will return to school on Monday to keep him in some sort of normality also.
I am just glad he is alive. I can't talk about the circumstances around the incident, but I can say he was not responsible for the incident. He was one of the passengers.
I'm sad. I'm tired. My head is in the clouds in the wrong way. I am trying to stay as normal as possible. The thought of how close I came to losing my son is still making me cry. I'll be okay. He will be okay. His wounds will heal.
I wanted to get up there yesterday, but the airline ticket was way more than what I could come up with. I did manage to get a flight booked for the end of April. I know it's not now, but better than never. I just wish I could hug him. And rock him in my arms and tell him that I love him. To make him feel better. That whatever led them to do this could have been fixed before it got to this point.
I'll be back.
Take care.
I am so glad your son will be okay. Just take things one day at a time, and before you know it you will both be feeling better. The end of April is not so far away.
My thoughts are with you.
I can't imagine what you are going through - you can be thankful that your son will be okay and April is very near. Take care!
Oh, so sorry about your son. I worry about mine all the time. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
Oh that is so scary, but I am so glad to hear that he's going to be okay. Do you have a quilt you could send instead of yourself, since you can't get there as fast as you'd like? I've heard it said a quilt is like a hug when you can't give one yourself.
oh no. Glad that his injuries were not more severe. Like you said, he will heal. Hugs. At least you can communicate with him electronically until you can get there in April.
So, so very glad your son will be OK. How terrifying - and worse when you can't be there. Sounds like prayers are needed for all involved.
Hang in there. When the shock subsides, perhaps some sewing will help? I usually get comfort and a feeling of returning to normality when piecing - kind of like putting the puzzle pieces of life back together, I guess.
I can't imagine stitches in my tongue! That would be truly irritating, and you'd never be able to quit fiddling with them!
How upsetting that call or e-mail must have been to you! I'm glad your son was not hurt worse, and that he will heal and be okay. We never know what will happen next with kids, and believe me, we never stop worrying about them! All of you will be in my prayers! ---"Love"
I'm sorry to hear about the accident but it is good to know he will heal and be OK. I hope he heals quickly and you can relax a little. No matter how big they get, a Mom will always worry about them.
Thank goodness your son will mend. I'm sure he knows you would rather be there. I'm sure it will take some time for you to feel settled again after an upset like this, but a bit of sewing might help. When I have something upsetting going on, the hum of the sewing machine and the familiar motions of piecing help settle my roiling stomach. Take care of yourself.
My prayers are with you.
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