Good morning everyone;) Here is that little purse I was talking about yesterday. I decided I liked the way it came out, and hope that the lady I made it for likes it. This is not something I would have made for myself, but I have come to realize that when you are selling your talents you are going to have to accept the challenge of working outside of your normal zone.
I'm off to get some more sewing done. I have been going in circles this morning, forgetting what I was doing, and getting sidetracked with something else;)
Happy Quilting!!
Very pretty, but I'm with you: not my taste. Oscar seems ready to dive in to make sure either there are no mousies inside or that the feathery bow/flower on the front is appropriately destroyed in as short a time as possible. I bet the gal who gets it will be thrilled. Enjoy the challenges.
It's gorgeous! Maybe her friends will want one too!
I like it! It's good to go outside your zone. It helps you stretch your brain, LOL. Received the scraps today. Flit was thrilled. You can be sure her wheels are turning.
It's beautiful! I'd think any lady would love it! ---"Love"
It turned out to be very pretty although, it would not be my style choice, either. It gives you a chance to really stretch your boundaries. Do you have water yet?
Love the kitty. Love the workmanship on the bag. The fabric and bling is a bit outside my zone too :) but to each their own! It's great that you are able to sell a few goods.
The bag came out fantastic! My sister would so totally love it. I am a simple dark bag girl myself but I think this one is beautiful.
Hope your heat and pipe issues are resolved. We are heading down into sub zero weather again. Yuck
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