Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello everybody;)  I hope you all had a wonderful week....both weather wise and quilty wise;)  The weather here has been wonderful....not what you would expect from January here in New Mexico.  I'm just enjoying each day knowing that the real winter weather could show up any day, shutting us in until Spring. 

Speaking of Spring, I think it's started to be that time of year that I go through the house, cleaning and rearranging, sorting and tossing, and otherwise going in circles itching for some color in my environment.  The desert here gives us green or brown, depending on the season, with a few bits of glorious color when the land is in bloom.  Now mind you, the sunsets here are probably some of the most mind blowing displays of different colors all in one setting you will ever come across.  I know the sunsets are one of the main reasons I moved us out here. You have about half an hour to as little as 15 minutes to get out and see the whole display each day, but it's worth the effort to get out to them. 

Here are a few pictures that I have manged to dig up off of the computer of the sunset's here....

I'm going to work on getting more of them this year.  It's a peaceful, quiet part of the day that I look forward to.  A point of time where I can stop and know that the day is done, the world is still simple, and that I have enjoyed another day of life on this little ball we call home.

Now, bringing the house rearranging and the sunsets together...I decided that I needed to have some more color in my house.  How do you do that??  Bring the stash into the front room where I can see it;)

This has been my project for the week.  No new projects.  No cutting.  No sewing.  Just sorting, folding, stacking.  We had to rearrange the front room area, or should I call it the "common" area, so that I could do this.  (I really love my hubby for understanding and encouraging me with my craft!!)  I was getting frustrated because the stash was in the bedroom and it has been an issue because he works graveyard and sleeps all day.  Whenever I would get an idea, I would have to (out of consideration) wait until he got up to go digging through all of it to find things.  That, and that washing fit I had left my stash in such a disarray that I literally had no idea anymore of what I had.  

So it's out (mostly) of the closet, and ready to be used.  Some quilting, some each day is good.

One more thing before I go....and thanks for reading all of this;).....
the hubby's beer....

It was a success!!!  He loves it so much that he said he may not be able to drink store bought beer again;)  I'm not a beer drinker myself, but I smelled it and compared to all the other beers I've smelled, this one is pretty darn yummy smelling.  He'll be making more soon;)

So to all, enjoy the upcoming week, and Happy Quiting!!


Katie said...

Having your stash stored somewhere highly visible will help keep it neat, right? :) The sunset photos are beautiful, but I think the one of your very happy hubby with his homemade beer is best! I'm glad it turned out to his liking.

---"Love" said...

With every picture, I kept thinking "What an awesome Creator we have to provide us so much pleasure from beautiful sunsets!" Thanks for sharing your pictures! No doubt getting your stash out of the bedroom will help in many ways, but I simply do not know how you can produce more projects than you already have been; you have been very busy this past year. I'm sure this new plan will make things easier though. ---"Love"

Sandy said...

Your sunset pictures are beautiful. It is one of my favourite times of the day. (I also like the picture of your hubby with his beer.)

You have the right idea, putting your stash where you can see it. I'm sure it will help with the creative process.


Marsha B said...

I've have always believed in keeping things where they are the most useful, not always out of sight. I bet you will enjoy having your fabrics within easy access! The sunsets and sunrises here are beautiful and I especially like it at sunset when we can turn around and the Sandia's are pink, too! Very cool.
Your husband looks very happy with his brewing skills, glad the beer turned out so well.

Christine said...

Wow! Were there some sort of effects on the first two sunset pictures? They look like paintings. Please send some of that weather my way!!! It is supposed to be a whooping 5 degrees here tonight with a high of 23 tomorrow. Yuck! Enjoy using and looking (don't you just love to stare at your stash!?!) at all your pretty fabrics :) Christine

Beth said...

The pictures are just stunning. Thanks for the reminder to be aware of the beautry around us.

Love your stash out where you can see it and get at it anytime inspiration hits!

Barb said...

What beautiful sunsets....

Love your stash...and that smile on hubby's face is priceless.